Communicators playing euchre in #3 Mess HMCS Assiniboine, October 1963.
Left to right far table:
Facing right AB John White;
Facing us: LS Lorne Hazzard;
Facing left with pipe: AB Jack Linaker;
Back to us: (unknown).
Table closest to camera:
Back of AB Jack Lawrence's head;
Top right corner of picture is AB Rick Barre facing us.
Forward table left, is OSSG Jack Linaker and (unknown).
Back table left to right, in glasses is LSRM E. Thomas;
center of table facing camera is OSSG Jack Lawrence; at right with pipe is LSRM Charlie Corrigal; and with his back to camera is OSRM Rick Barre.
Email Robert Berbeck.
Can you provide details or corrections?
Please email Charlie Dobie.