Commissioning ceremony of HMCS Ribble, Blyth, England, July 24, 1944 or in August.
Hoisting of the White Ensign. Band from HMCS Niobe played O Canada.
-- Official RCN photo.
Front row: First Lieut. H. Holland (Winnipeg), RCNVR.
Middle row: Captain -- Lieut. Cmdr. Allen Taylor (Parrsboro, N.S.), RCNR.
Back row of officers, L - R:
Lieut. Ed. Brockwell -- Signal Officer (Toronto) RCNVR;
Lieut. Horace Denyer -- Engineering Officer (Saint John);
Lieut. Cullis Lancaster -- Navigating Officer (Moose Jaw) RCNVR;
Surg.-Lieut. Dudley Dickie (Digby) RCNVR;
Lieut. Ron Rankin (Westmount) RCNVR.
Behind Rankin, L - R: Chief Stoker Wes Clark;
Writer O’Gorman;
N. Morrison CERA.
Hoisting the White Ensign -- PO Morris with the bos’n call.
-- Thanks to Mark Lancaster for this photo.
Can you provide missing names, details or corrections?
Please email Charlie Dobie.