HMCS Niobe. A MacLauglan photo.
Surrendered U-Boat UC-97 moored, possibly in Halifax, alongside tugboat USS Iriquois (AT-46).
More surrendered U-Boats. Possibly in Halifax, but exact location is unknown.
TR-1, an Auxilliary Patrol Trawler. 53 of these ships were built by the RCN and were used as mine-sweepers.
The Araguaya, a hospital ship leased by the RCN. It made 20 round trips between England and Halifax, carrying a total of 15,324 sick and wounded Canadian soldiers back home.
Postcard of SS Olympic at No. 2 Pier in Halifax. Photo by McAskill.
Although the photo seems to show her number as "2210", her actual number was "2810". This postcard image may have been
re-touched and the number changed in error.
Disassembled paravanes on the deck of SS Olympic. Part of the large number "2810" which was on her superstructure (see photo above) can be seen at the top of this photo.
Postcard of RMS Aquitania in Halifax. Photo by MacAskill.
An unidentified coaling station. Possibly Halifax?
An unidentified harbour. Possibly Halifax?
Can you provide details or corrections?
Please email Charlie Dobie.