St. Johns Newfoundland, in 1942.
Inspection by Canada's Governor General, Alexander Cambridge, 1st Earl of Athlone, in St. Johns.
Inspection by Canada's Governor General, Alexander Cambridge, 1st Earl of Athlone, in St. Johns.
It was only through the information about HMCS Naval Camp, in Roger Litwiller's blog that the location of the photos below was identified.
"Here Lie The Bones of One Who Went Too Far" : Fred Hollands stands beside a danger sign at the swimming hole at HMC Naval Camp, in Newfoundland. It was by discovering this sign In Roger Litwiller's blog (see note above) that the location of this R & R camp was found.
Fred Hollands at the swimming hole at HMC Naval Camp, in Newfoundland.
R & R at HMC Naval Camp, in Newfoundland. Fred Hollands is standing far left in the back.
R & R at HMC Naval Camp, in Newfoundland. The "Anson" sign is a mystery. It may refer to HMS Anson, but while that ship did much Atlantic convoy duty, it was mostly between Great Britain and Russia.
R & R galley at HMC Naval Camp, in Newfoundland.
Can you provide names, details or corrections?
Please email Charlie Dobie.