100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at the Fleet Club at CFB Halifax.
Sign welcoming the guests.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at the Fleet Club at CFB Halifax.
Terry Chatham at right with members from US Sub Vets.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at the Fleet Club at CFB Halifax.
Terry Chatham at right with members from US Sub Vets.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at the Fleet Club at CFB Halifax.
Willie and Norma Waugh.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at the Fleet Club at CFB Halifax.
Brian and Karen Lapierre.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at the Fleet Club at CFB Halifax.
George Byzewski, Shane Irvine, and Terry Chatham with "Rum" Chest door-prize.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at the Fleet Club at CFB Halifax.
Guests at the dinner.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at the Fleet Club at CFB Halifax.
Andy Lovasi and George Roach.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at the Fleet Club at CFB Halifax.
Guests who have attended the "Pig Roast" in Groton, Connecticut.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at the Fleet Club at CFB Halifax.
Guests enjoying the dinner.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at CFB Halifax. Sunday church service.
A view in the chapel.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at CFB Halifax. Sunday church service.
Pierre Doutre and George Byzewski in the Chapel.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at CFB Halifax. Sunday church service.
Guests attending the service in the Chapel.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at CFB Halifax. Sunday church service.
Minister conducting the service in the Chapel.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at CFB Halifax. Sunday church service.
Terry Chatham addressing the guests at the service in the Chapel.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at CFB Halifax. Sunday church service.
Guests at the service in the Chapel.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at the Fleet Club, CFB Halifax. Sunday brunch.
George Byzewski and Scotty Parsons, winner of the "Rum" Chest.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at the Fleet Club, CFB Halifax. Sunday brunch and "Tot time".
Keith Estabrooks, Terry Chatham, with Shane Irvine measuring out the rum.
100th Anniversary of Submarines in Canada festivities at the Fleet Club, CFB Halifax. Sunday brunch.
Guests at the brunch.
Can you provide details or corrections?
Please email Charlie Dobie.