This photo of HMCS Ontario was taken from HMCS Cayuga in 1953,
at the mouth of the Straits of Juan de Fuca as the
Cayuga and others sailed off to Korea.
Ontario then returned to Esquimalt.
There has been confusion whether this ship is Quebec or Ontario but a definitive answer was given me by Yvan Martineau. You can see a good photo of HMCS Quebec in Bar Harbor, Maine, in 1953, in Yvan's section of this website. He says: ". . . as soon as I saw (the photo) I realized that it is not the Quebec, the port holes on the upper deck did not go forward of the AA gun turret. Also the life raft arrangement was totally different". Yvan also said that he joined HMCS Quebec in early spring of 1953, in Halifax, where it had just come out of refit. He sailed on it for almost three years and at no time did it go to Esquimalt.
Can you provide details or corrections?
Please email Charlie Dobie.