Invitation to reception by Governor-General and Princess Alice. July 24, 1943.
Garden party for Princess Alice. July 24, 1943.
L to R: Sub-Lt Dawson, Captain Isherwood, Governor-General.
Garden party for Princess Alice. July 24, 1943.
Princess Alice and the Governor-General are centre-right. The civilian standing left-centre is the Mayor of Ottawa,
J.E. Stanley Lewis. Other dignitaries are unidentified.
Garden party for Princess Alice. July 24, 1943.
The Mayor of Ottawa, J.E. Stanley Lewis, is far left; next right is Princess Alice; next right is the Governor-General. Others are unidentified.
Garden party for Princess Alice. July 24, 1943.
Garden party for Princess Alice. July 24, 1943.
Princess Alice is at centre.
Garden party for Princess Alice. July 24, 1943.
Garden party for Princess Alice. July 24, 1943.
Garden party for Princess Alice. July 24, 1943.
Can you provide names, details or corrections?
Please email Charlie Dobie.
For more about the history of the WRCNS during WW2, see this article in the Canadian Encyclopedia.
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