This section contains historical photos related to the RCN. If you have any photos in your family album, taken by yourself, or perhaps a friend or relative, please send me a scan as I would love to use it in this section. Items are listed more or less as received from website users.
Surnames in this section: This is not a complete list – for example, the complete ships' companies of HMCS Aurora, Niobe, Patrician, Patriot, and Rainbow are listed, per the 1911 and 1921 censuses. The casualties of HMCS Athabaskan, which was sunk April 29, 1944, are also not listed here. Adams, Akers, Alexander, Allen, Ambler, Aris, Arkwright, Armstrong, Arnott, Arpin, Ashley, Atherton, Atkinson, Auckland, Bankes, Barnard, Beal, Beaupre, Bell, Bennet, Benson, Biletchi, Binnie, Birchall, Blackhurst, Block, Blyth, Boak, Bordinuck, Borglund, Bowen, Boyd, Bridgman, Bronson, Brosseau, Browett, Brown, Brownless, Callanan, Campbell, Carmichael, Carr, Carter, Charron, Cherry, Christie, Clark, Clarke, Clason, Clement, Colburn, Cole, Commerford, Connors, Corbet, Couvrette, Coyle, Creber, Creechan, Creed, Crocker, Crockett, Crone, Culmer, Davis, Dawson, Day, De'Ath, Dean, Denny, Derouin, Dicy, Domshy, Donaldson, Douglas, Dubbs, Duhamel, Dunn, Duy, Eaglesham, Ecclis, Edwards, Ellliott, Fenwick, Forbes, Fox, Fraser, Gagnier, Gallant, Galletly, George, Ghel, Gillespie, Gillis, Giroux, Glover, Goldfinch, Gourley, Grant, Granville, Gray, Greason, Greer, Gregory, Gunn, Haggett, Hale, Haliday, Hall, Hamm, Handley, Hansen, Harrison, Hart, Hatt, Hawkins, Heaney, Hearn, Helfrich, Hildebrand, Hill, Hindle, Hindley, Holowaty, Hood, Hopper, Howe, Hughes, Hutchison, Isbell, Jackson, Jamieson, Jeandron, Jefferson, Jenkins, Johnson, Johnston, Jones, Kelly, Kennedy, Kernaghan, Kiren, Kite, Knight, Knox, La Roche, Laliberte, Lang, Langley, Lapierre, Lawrie, Lee, LeGier, Leitch, Leonard, LeVere, Lindley, Livingstone, Long, Longbottom, Longstaff, Lowe, MacDonald, MacIntosh, MacLellan, MacMillan, MacPhee, Makeranko, Marlatt, Marner, Martin, Mazur, McCort(?), McCullough, McDougall, McDowell, McEwan, McEwen, McGinnis, McGuire, McKendry, McKenzie, McLaughlan, McLure, McMillan, McMurdo, McNeil, McWilliams, Meek, Mercer, Meredith, Merril, Miller, Mitchell, Montague, Montgomery, Monture, Moore, Morel, Morina, Morrison, Mosley, Moxham, Murchy, Murray, Musgrave, Nairn, Naughton, Nelson, Newell, Nicolson, Oberich(?), Olson, Page, Parker, Passerini, Patterson, Pattison, Paxton, Peach, Pearson, Peebles, Pelletier, Perks, Philley, Poirier, Pope, Porth, Pronych, Randall, Rayworth, Rees, Reid, Rennie, Richard, Richards, Riordon, Ritchie, Robertson, Robinson, Roruiq, Ross, Rowland, Ryan, Samson, Schwager, Seaborn, Seal, Seeley, Seguin, Seymour, Silvester, Simmons, Simpson, Sivertz, Small, Smith, Sockett, Somerville, Spanik, Spears, Speers, Spence, Sproston, St Pierre, Stapleton, Starr, Stevens, Storey, Stutley, Swainson, Sykes, Talling, Tassell, Taylor, Theriault, Thivierge, Thomas, Thompson, Tinkess, Trottier, Turbide, Turcot, Tushingham, Vokey, Vollet, Wade, Walters, Webber, Webster, White, Wickens, Wilkinson, Williamson, Wilson, Womack, Wood, Wright, Yorke, Young.
Ships or crews shown in this section: HMCS Beacon Hill, HMCS Bonaventure, HMCS Carlplace, HMCS Chilliwack, HMCS Cornwallis, HMCS Drumheller, HMCS Forest Hill, HMCS Huron, HMCS Iroquois, HMCS Kamsack, HMCS Kings, HMCS Loch Morlich, HMCS Minas, HMCS Naden, HMCS Niobe, HMCS Nootka, HMCS Ontario, HMCS Peregrine, HMCS Prince Robert, HMCS Rainbow, HMCS Quebec, HMCS St Laurent, HMCS Sioux, HMCS Ste Therese, HMCS Thetford Mines, HMCS York, HMT Thalia or HMT Jackdaw, ML 085. Section revised Jan 12, 2025.
A Stoker's War, 1941-1945. This 50-minute home documentary on YouTube shares personal photographs taken by Leading Stoker Gilbert Davis, as he narrates stories of his navy experiences; from joining the Royal Canadian Navy in 1941 and defending Canada's west coast aboard the HMCS Bellechasse to his service on the HMCS Merrittonia escorting Merchant Marine convoys across the Atlantic Ocean to provision needed supplies to England and the European allies, through to the mass surrendering of the German U-boat fleet on the Foyle River near Londonderry in Northern Ireland at the end of the war.
Recorded while nearing his 90th birthday, Gilbert's recollections are of daily war-time service life rather than distinguished battles, told in a manner that only a dedicated serviceman could deliver; his emotion resonant as he describes the saving of a single survivor from a torpedoed supply ship. One of only a few servicemen who traveled with a personal camera during the war, Gilbert Davis shares his experiences through his own photos and words.
Basic Training in Western Canada. Possibly the graduation photo of 15 men in basic training, in or near Calgary, about 1944. All are identified. Surnames are: Boyd, Brown, Campbell, Colburn, Dicy, Gagnier, Gray, Hart, Holowaty, Hood, Kite, Monture, Oberich(?), St Pierre. HMCS Ontario, 1945. Three photos, one taken in Hong Kong & two in Pearl Harbour, after Japan's surrender. Two photos are of the ship's company mustered on a jetty. Surnames: Grant, St Pierre. Submitted by Al Brosseau, whose email address no longer works. HMCS Naden, 1958/59 Comm School. Trade Group 1 graduation photo of 10 men plus an officer & 2 POs. Only 5 men identified. Surnames so far: Domshy, Duhamel, Duy, Nairn, Richards. Unknown Ships in PWC Drydock. Three photos, two of an unknown RCN destroyer, and one of what might be HMCS Provider, in drydock in Esquimalt, BC, late 1980's. HMCS York, Ottawa Division, 1944. Two photos; one a basic training graduation photo. Identified are: Herbert Pope & LS Bill Webber. Also a 2nd photo of Herbert Pope who later sailed on HMCS Carlplace – see the adjacent photo. Crew of HMCS Carlplace. Commissioned Dec. 13, 1944, she was the last RCN frigate to enter service. PO Perks, Herbert Pope and possibly LtCdr Charles E. Wright, ship's captain, are identified. Revised Nov. 11, 2021. HMCS Thetford Mines With Some Crew Names. Two photos – one of the ship at sea and one of the crew signatures on the back (most are damaged). The only name mentioned is Anthony (Tony) Mazur. A Naval Family, 1919 & 1945. Two photos sent me by Don Montgomery shows his father and three older brothers, all of whom served in the RCN during WW2; his father also in WW1. Crew of HMCS Sioux, – 182 men gathered on the foc'sle, 1944. Identified are Boak, Eaglesham, Mitchell, Montgomery, Nicolson, Robinson, Turcot. Revised Jan. 10, 2024. Commonwealth War Graves in Hong Kong. Six photos sent me by Jim Diggins showing scenes of the well-maintained Sai Wan War Cemetery. Unidentified WW2 Sailors. This photo was found in a thrift store in Campbell River, BC. Can you identify anyone? Jim & Doris Alexander. Two photos of a WW2-era sailor, Jim Alexander and his wife Doris. Photos probably taken in Toronto. More info is needed. HMCS Cornwallis Silver Medal, 1944-45. Two photos, front and back of a silver hockey medal from HMCS Cornwallis, engraved with name of L/S E.A.W Newman. More info is needed. A link was added to a photo of the team. HMCS Bonaventure Crew, 1960's. Three photos – one of the crew of HMCS Bonaventure, and two of collision damage to the bow of HMCS Chaudiere. HMCS Cornwallis Gun Crew, 1962. MacKenzie Division, 66-man gun crew. HMCS Huron & St Laurent, 1944. Three photos – one of ice-covered HMCS Huron, one of the upper deck of HMCS St Laurent, and one of a battleship, possibly one of the three "Prince Class" armed merchant ships in the RCN. HMCS Cornwallis Phys Ed, 1944-45. Three photos, originally owned by PT instructor Kenneth W. Helfrich, taken during WW2. Most are unidentified. Surnames so far: Arnott, Dawson, Dubbs, Ecclis, Edwards, Goldfinch, Helfrich, Kiren, Langley, Roruiq, Rowland. HMCS Peregrine Hockey Team, 1945. Thanks to Ed Creechan for these two photos of the HMCS Peregrine hockey team. Ed's father, James Creechan, is the only player identified. HMCS Protector II, 1943. Thanks to Colin Gillis for these two photos one of "Anson Division", HMCS Protector II, with 64 men, and the other with 23 men. Colin's father, Ronald Edward Gillis, is the only one identified. HMCS York, July, 1944. Thanks to Paul Mak for two photos – front and back of M83 Division, showing 24 petty officer recruits plus their division leader. In addition to Paul's grandfather, Charles Samuel Browett, there are 23 signatures: Balearras, Bud, Garvey, Gerold, Glassic?, Gray, Hammond, Harris, Lachapelle, Lawton, Lobattan(?), Maclean, McArthur, Muir, Mulvinna, Murphy, Perin?, Power, Ross, Summers, Woodward. HMCS St Hyacinthe, 1942. Thanks to Jamie MacLellan for this photo of a Telegraphy course, Aug. 2 - Oct. 30, 1942. His father, James Michael MacLellan, is the only one identified. Added November 12, 2022. HMCS St Hyacinthe, 1943. Thanks to Jamie MacMillan for two photos – one of members of a Telegraphy course, June 3, 1943, and the other of an unknown group, but possibly HMCS Montcalm. His father, John MacMillan, is the only one identified. Added April 29, 2021. HMCS St Hyacinthe, 1945. Thanks to Jason Wryghte for this photo of the shore patrol of HMCS St Hyacinthe. Surnames: Alexander, Clason, Coyle, Ghel, Granville, Johnston, La Roche, Leonard, Livingstone, Longstaff, McCullough, McDowell, McMillan, McNeil, Musgrave, Naughton, Nelson, Randall, Small, Smith, Sockett, Taylor, Tinkess, Trottier, Vollet, White, Wilkinson, Yorke. What happened to HMCS Prince Robert's clock? Don West knows, and here are three photos to prove it. HMCS Kings, Glasgow II Div., Officer Training, 1944. Thanks to Andrew Wright for this photo of 24 officers. All are identified. Surnames: Allen, Auckland, Charron, Denny, Fraser, George, Greason, Hale, Hindle, Marner, McDougall, McEwen, McLure, Meredith, Morel, Moxham, Parker, Seaborn, Sivertz, Smith, Somerville, Talling, Wade, Wood. Added June 27, 2022. HMCS Kings, York II Div., Officer Training, 1945. Thanks to J.A. Newman for this photo of 18 officers. All are identified. Surnames: Arpin, Carter, Clarke, Crone, Hart, Hawkins, Knox, McKenzie, Miller, Page, Philley, Reid, Seaborn, Seal, Sivertz, Sproston, Swainson, Wood. HMCS Athabaskan, Memorial Plaques. Thanks to Yvan Martineau for two photos of memorial plaques – one in the village of Brignogan in Britany, France, commemorating the sinking of HMCS Athabaskan, with the loss of 128 crew members. The second photo, in a naval war museum on Pointe de St-Mathieu, shows a plaque with the names of the dead. HMCS Cornwallis, Terra Nova Div., 1958-59. Thanks to Gord Cunningham for this photo of the graduating class of Terra Nova Division (Nov 3, 1958 to March 30, 1959). A photo of the men's signatures on the back of the photo is also provided. Two men are identified: Ronald Seburn Bridgman and Jim Hall. HMCS New GlasgowMemorial to Guy Maurice Clement Joseph Theriault, (1922-2017).
Guy served as a stoker on HMCS Athabaskan G07, and survived her sinking in 1944, with severe burns. Back in Montreal before his 22nd birthday, he drove a navy ambulance for the rest of the war. He passed away in 2017 at the age of 95. Added Jan. 25, 2021.
Wartime Album Brings 150 Sailors Back To Life. Thanks to William Gard for a link to this Royal Navy website item. It tells of how historians hope to trace the descendants and relatives of every sailor hosted by the Casey family in Queens, New York, during WW2. They kept photos & bios on most of the men who passed through their house, maintaining contact with some after the war. An amazing story. Revised June 10, 2021. Crew of HMCS Iroquois, 1942. This photo was posted on Facebook by CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum, and is dated December 1, 1942, the day after she was commissioned. The FB posting is included and a man is identified: Surname is Pattison. Revised Sept. 8, 2023. Equator-crossing certificate awarded in 1955 to Lt(E) C.J. McLaughlan, of HMCS Quebec. Leaving Halifax 14 January, 1955, they followed the coast of Africa, visiting ports along the way; back through the Suez Canal to the Mediterranian, visiting Suez, Port Said, Alexandria, Nice, Barcelona, and Gibraltar, before returning to Halifax 15 April. Added Dec. 29, 2021. HMCS Cornwallis – Crusader Division (Aug. - Dec., 1952) group of 53 men, 1 CPO & 1 officer. Surnames: Allen, Blackhurst, Brownless, Davis, Harrison, Howe, Hutchison, Johnson, Jones, MacIntosh, McCort(?), McKendry, Morrison, Murchy, Pattison, Rees, Schwager, Spanik, Spence, Stevens. Added Sept. 17, 2022. Crew members and visitors on board Fairmile ML085. This motor launch was commissioned in June, 1942, and based at HMCS Fort Ramsey, Gaspé. Added Jan. 24, 2023. Thanks to Bill Gard for this photo of members of the Chiefs & PO's Mess on HMCS Forest Hill. He says the photo is circa 1945. Only man identified is Henry Silvester. Added Feb. 23, 2023. Thanks to Bill Gard for two photos – one of crew members, c.1943/45, on HMCS Drumheller, and the other of an unofficial version of the ship's crest. The only crew member identified is Irvine Ambler. Revised March 20, 2023. Thanks to Patrick Gillespie for a photo of 80 crew members of HMCS Minas, taken in Plymouth, England in July, 1945. Included is a complete list of names. Added April 14, 2023. Before WW2, Eric Riordon was a successful landscape artist. He joined the RCNVR, served in convoy escorts, and made a series of 34 paintings of the ships and events of a typical convoy travelling from St. John's NL to Great Britain. He died in 1948. In 1950 there was an exhibition of these paintings called North Atlantic Convoy. The exhibition travelled across Canada until October of 1952, when the paintings were sold and otherwise dispersed. The website ericriordon.ca attempts to digitally recreate that exhibition and there is the hope that 7 missing paintings may be located. Added Nov. 17, 2023.FIVE CHRISTMAS CARDS IN THIS SECTION
This section contains images of Christmas Cards, listed in order of ship or establishment.
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Ronald Armstrong
Carl Ash
"Buck" Bakody
Gord Beattie
Robert Berbeck
Fred Bernhard
Allan Bertelsen
Kenneth Boatwright
Ken Bowie
Bill Bowman
Robert Brown
Mike Cashaback
Wes Clark
Douglas Comber
Bob Cowie
Robert Creber
Ken Davy
Charlie Dobie
Robert Dunn
Neil A. Duval
CFB Esquimalt Museum
Rick Faulkner
Edmund Ferris
Terry Findlay
Richard Fish
Peter Friesen
Raymond E. Gard
John Gorman
Jeff Griffiths
Roger Hawkes
Daniel Haydu
Ted Heffernan
Steen Heilbuth
Don Henderson
Russell Hodgkin
Fred Hollands
Robert Holmwood
Gordon Hunter
Ken Johnson
William & Donald Johnston
Norman Josephson
Bill Killam
Ed Koski
Roger Lambert
Brian Lapierre
Marcel (Joe) Lesage
Ken Lloyd
Don Logan
Charles MacDonald
Dave Macgregor
Daniel M. MacNeill
Al Malcomson
Ken Marchant
Yvan Martineau
Ernest H. Massick
Claus Mathes
Kenneth McCuish
Gerry McLennon
Jack Miller
Vernon C. Miller
Steve Monahan
Phil Murphy
Bruce Murray
Colin Murdo Nicolson
Gertrude Quinn
Roger Rayner
Reginald H. Rhymes
Christopher B. Robinson
Rod Rockwell
Dean Rogers
James M. Ross
John & Robert Salmond
George Schmidt
Ernie Schoen
Grant Sinclair
Allan Spurrell
Herbert Stephenson
Bob Stevenson
Gordon Stewart
Larry Thivierge
Jim Thorn
Dave Tyson
Robert Ulmer
Larry Vipond
Edward John Vokey
Bert vonKalckreuth
Jack Watson
Gordon Wensley
"Rusty" Wright
Don Young
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